Legal information

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This site belongs to the company ECOWOOD SA. It has been realized under the supervision and Directorate by  <a href=””>Yann Fahrni IT Solutions</a>. The terms of use of this site are the following:


Neither the company, nor a third party involved in the creation of this site, can be held liable for any direct or indirect damages, occurring to the occasion of the access or difficulty of access to this site, or of the use to which it could be done, including a virus that may contaminate the computer hardware configuration of the user. The information on this site is provided “as is” without any warranty, express or implied, relating to the use of this publication.

The information on this site may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. The company ECOWOOD SA has the right to make changes, improvements and changes on the products and programs described on its site at any time and without notification.

Rights of the Authors


The Intellectual Property Code and, more generally, the treaties and international agreements containing provisions relating to the protection of the rights of authors shall prohibit, whatever the process used, fully or partially, the representation, reproduction, for a use other than private or the modification without the express permission of the author or their successors.


The entire contents of this site (articles, illustrations, screen shots, graphics, logos, downloads and other files), is the property of ECOWOOD SA and is protected by French and international laws as well as copyright, trademarks and intellectual property. The trademarks and copyrights of third parties belong to the companies who market or concede these products.

<strong>Technical contact

Yann Fahrni IT Solutions
Rue du Léman 1
1814 La Tour-de-Peilz
+41 21 519 02 04
