Portrait of our company

ECOWOOD S.A. is a public limited company with a capital of 400,000,000 FCFA created in 2005 by Mr. Christoph HÄRING and Mr. Hans FAHRNI.

Today we are listed as one of the main companies in the building sector in Gabon, and one of the most important companies in the wooden construction.

Located to the south of Libreville, ECOWOOD has a staff of approximately 30 permanent employees distributed in different services:


Planning Office Sawing/ Storage Industrial Workshop Carpentry Logistics Construction site
Design/Engineering Timber mill Jointing Carpentry Logistics/ Trsp. Field Preparation
Planning PRO Sorting of Quality Gluing/ Bonding Cutting GLULAM Handling Assembly
Technical control Storage Planing/ Profiling Truss girders Means of Lifting Safety measures
Management Drying Metalwork Prefabricated houses Vehicles maintenance Small masonry
Quality control Stock management Electro mechanics Packaging Local purchases Roofing
Import/ Purchases Impregnation Vacuum/ compressed air Surface Treatment Various repairs Construction site administration


Have a look at the video below to get an idea of the work we do at the Ecowood SA: